Dear visitors,
Due to the reconstruction of the main production building in 2025, it will not be possible to provide any tours from the 1st of February 2025 until further notice.
If you are interested in a tour of the company, take advantage of visiting the PETROF Gallery or enjoy a tour of the current exhibition in the National Technical Museum in Prague (until July 2025).
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your understanding and we wish everyone pleasant times.



Processing of personal data


We would like to inform you about the way in which we are handling your personal data, which you have provided to our company PETROF, spol. s r.o., Company ID: 620 28 634, with its registered office in Na Brně 1955, Nový Hradec Králové, 500 06 Hradec Králové, registered in the Commercial Register administrated by the Regional Court in Hradec Králové, file C, ins. 7054 (further referred to as “the company” or “operator”).

This document fulfills our obligation to provide information within the meaning of the Article 12. 13. and Article 14. of the REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL (EU) 2016/679 concerning the protection of physical entities with regard to processing personal data, the free movement of such data and cancellation of the Directive 95/46/ES (further referred to as “GDPR”).



The Administrator of your personal data is the company PETROF spol. s. r. o. You can get in touch with us regarding the processing of your personal data at the email address:



The operator processes and collects the user’s personal data through registration on the official website („registration data“), or user’s personal data used in the process of a payment for goods or services of the operator („payment details“). The operator does not process or collect information that the user enters through the generator for the purpose of generating legal documents (“data for generation”). Data for generation are deleted by the operator after the legal documents are generated (eventually after the process of generating such documents has been discontinued). Data for generation are stored by the operator only in case that the user is registered within the history of generated documents. The user has the option to delete such documents at any time. Mandatory registration details are highlighted during the process of registration. Without these details, the registration cannot be completed. The user does not have to indicate the optional registration details.

The company usually processes the fooling personal data:

  • Name and surname
  • Home address
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Cookies
  • IP address



The operator processes the registration data for the purpose of recording the users of the website, creation of statistics, option of offering further services to the users of operator’s websites.

Processing of payment details is done by the operator for the purpose of payment completion and for billing and accounting purposes.



Personal data that the operator obtains while operating the website is confidential and will not be disclosed to any third parties, except for potential processors and public authorities in accordance with the valid legal regulations.

An operator that is a personal data administrator within the meaning of the GDPR is authorized to process the user’s personal data only with his or her consent.

All personal data of the user are processed electronically and are stored on the server of the operator. The operator shall handle the personal data in such way that unauthorized disclosure to third parties is not possible. Only authorized personnel that have been trained and educated on the GDPR obligations have the access to the personal data stored on the server.

Personal data are stored and processed by the operator for 10 years.



The user explicitly agrees that the operator, in accordance with European Parliament and Council’s Directive 95/46/ES on the protection of physical entities with regard to processing personal data, can processes and use the user’s data for the above-stated purposes.

Furthermore, the user understands that he or she has the right to access personal data, is entitled to change it, and also has the privileges listed in the provisions of GDPR Articles 14-21, in particular the right to access personal data, to correct personal data, or to erase personal data. The user further agrees that the personal data provided in the above-stated manner may only be provided by the operator to entities that process personal data for the operator on the basis of a written agreement for the above-stated purposes. Their list is available by request from the operator.